Worship with Us Each Sunday 10:00am, In-Person & Online

United Church has Traditional Worship

Built on 3 Essential Principles

  1. We all come to worship as we are comfortable to connect with God. Everyone is loved for who they are and is treated like family.

  2. Essential Worship connects the truths of the faith with where we are in the world. We Connect with God during worship and find support for living our lives through the week.

  3. Essential Worship is authentic worship. Every church’s authenticity is unique. United Church connects with God through worship with communal prayers, the hymns (often played with the organ) and the sacraments of baptism and communion.


Sandra K. Raasch is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving as Volunteers Coordinator. She formerly worked in mission finance in Honduras. She was commissioned as a missionary in 2005. At the time she said: “God has been grooming me for this call all my life by giving me a heart for people, an ability to     receive a finance degree, and to participate in mission trips, and by leading me to a church home, where I found Christ and have been able to deepen my walk through Bible study, meeting  brothers and sisters in Christ, and finding my spiritual gifts of administration and hospitality.” Sandy was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and attended the University of Missouri in Columbia, earning her Bachelor of Science in business administration and finance in 1987. Before beginning her mission service, she owned and managed a business, worked for four different companies in Kansas in supervisory positions, and volunteered for numerous charitable organizations through her church. Sandy is a member of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. Her parents, Harold and Becky Raasch, live in Overland Park, Kansas, and also attend the same congregation.  Thank you, The Missions Committee