
Pastor Tom Bourke


I am Tom Bourke and I have been the pastor at United Church since July, 2019. My wife, Kim, and I have 3 awesome kids: Owen, Eli & Anna. We love the Sandwich community and are thankful to be here. I have served IL churches in Marseilles, Seneca, Dakota, and Bolingbrook before coming to Sandwich.

I love worship, fellowship, and being in the faith community. I believe Church should be a safe place for everyone to know that they are a child of God and a person of worth. I love to connect with others, especially over a cup of coffee.

I am an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs & Green Bay Packers. I love to woodwork and cook. I am a Marvel fanatic. My phone has an eclectic variety of music but my go to bands are Needtobreathe, Weezer, and the Hamilton Soundtrack. My favorite book is Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. Give me vacations in the mountains or the beach and I am a content person.


choir director: kevin duy

Email: pizzaduy@aol.com


church secretary:

donna reiss